Richeson Image Library

Richeson Image Library

We have offered these images as open downloads with the implied agreement that you will respect our brand guidelines. Please use our images appropriately.

Our online image library is hosted through Google Drive. You do not need a Google account to download product images. However, if you are signed in to Google, you will have access to the Search bar and other Sort/Viewing options.

How to use the Richeson Image Library

Export Information

Images are 4″ or 5" shortest end @ 300ppi (High-Res) in RGB. They are good for web or normal print sizes. If you are creating a banner or large-scale print with our images, you will need to request a hi-res large image.

Image Updates

  • Folders may contain discontinued items while we phase them out; see our Price List for current products.
  • Photos are subject to updates or deletion (when discontinued or outdated).
  • When your orders arrive, if a product looks different from your website listing, check the Image Library for updated product/packaging images.

Library Organization

The Image Library is separated into folders based on Richeson SKU/Item number. Ex: Item 692042 Small Canvas Print Rack will be found in the folder labeled "600000 Images".

If you do not know the SKU you need, we recommend cross-referencing our searchable Online Catalog.

  • Group/series photos are usually found near the top of the folder. Ex: a group shot of various 2" cradle panels is called 153_Group_a.jpg. 153 is the beginning of all 2" cradle SKUs.
  • Some items are grouped into subfolders for better organization. Ex: if you are looking for images of every 1.25oz Richeson Oil color, they are found in the 100000 Images > 12_Richeson Oils.
  • You can sort by Latest Modified (if you're looking for the newest products) or by Name.

To download images:

  1. Click on the Folder pertaining to the item number you are trying to find. It may be a little slow to load all images; please be patient.
    If you are logged in to Google, you can use the search bar at the top to search for specific SKUs.
  2. To download/save an image to your computer, right-click on the thumbnail and select download (depending on your browser, a download icon might appear when hovering over an image.)
  3. If you want to see the whole image first, click on the thumbnail. The download button will appear at the top.
  4. These images will automatically be saved to your Downloads folder. If you'd prefer to specify the location before the download, right-click on the image to Save As.
  5. You can also select Download All images within a folder. This can be especially helpful for product groups, such as all 1.25oz Richeson Oils.