Grey Matters Assortment Displays

Grey Matters

$1,285.20 - $2,891.70
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The Grey Matters displays are an attractive, consumer-friendly way to display all that the Grey Matters line has to offer. Available in a variety of assortments, you can mix and match your unit selection to meet your specific needs.

Synthetic Oil Assortment: One Display
Signing 9815 Size Quantity  Brights 9814 Size Quantity Filberts 9813  Size Quantity
Signing 3/0 3 Bright 2 3 Filbert 2 3
Signing 2/0 3 Bright 4 3 Filbert 4 3
Signing 3 3 Bright 6 3 Filbert 6 3
Signing 2 3 Bright 8 3 Filbert 8 3
Signing 1 3 Bright 10 2 Filbert 10 2
Signing 0 3 Bright 12 2 Filbert 12 2
Flats 9812 Size Quantity Rounds 9811 Size Quantity
Flat 2 3 Round 2 33
Flat 4 3 Round 4 3
Flat 6 3 Round 6 3
Flat 8 3 Round 8 3
Flat 10 2 Round 10 2
Flat 12 2 Round 12 2



 Synthetic Acrylic Assortment: One Display
Signing 9815 Size  Quantity Rounds 9821 Size Quantity Flats 9822 Size Quantity
Signing  0 3 Round 2 3 Flat 2 3
Signing  1 3 Round 4 3 Flat 4 3
Signing  2 3 Round 6 3 Flat 6 3
Signing  3 3 Round 8 3 Flat 8 3
Signing  2/0 3 Round 10 2 Flat 10 2
Signing  3/0 3 Round 12 2 Flat 12 2
Filberts 9823 Size Quantity Brights 9824 Size Quantity
Filbert  2 3 Bright  2 3
Filbert  4 3 Bright  4 3
Filbert  6 3 Bright  6 3
Filbert  8 3 Bright  8 3
Filbert  10 2 Bright  10 2
Filbert  12 2 Bright  12 2


 Synthetic Watercolor Assortment: One Display
Rounds 9831 Size Quantity Flats 9832 Size  Quantity
Round 0 6 Flat 1" 2
Round 1 6 Flat 1/2" 3
Round 2 6 Flat 1/4" 6
Round 3 6 Flat 1/8" 6
Round 4 6 Flat 3/16" 6
Round 5 6 Flat 3/4" 3
Round 6 6
Round 8 3 Liners 9833 Size Quantity
Round 10 3 Liner 0 6
Round 12 3 Liner 1 6
Round 14 33 Liner 2 6
Round 16 3 Liner 4 6
Round 20 3 Liner 2/0 6
Round 24 2
Round 2/0 6
Round 3/0 6
Round 4/0 6


 Interlocking Bristle Assortment: One Display, Partial Range
Rounds 9841 Size  Quantity Flats 9842 Size Quantity Brights 9843 Size Quantity
Round 2 3 Flat 2 3 Bright 2 3
Round 4 3 Flat 4 3 Bright 4 3
Round 6 3 Flat 6 3 Bright 6 3
Round 8 3 Flat 8 3 Bright 8 3
Round 10 2 Flat 10 2 Bright 10 2
Round 12 2 Flat 12 2 Bright 12 2
Fliberts 9844 Size Quantity Edberts 9845 Size Quantity Fans 9846 Size Quantity
Filbert  2 3 Egbert 2 3 Fan 4 3
Filbert  4 3 Egbert 6 3 Fan 6 2
Filbert  6 3 Egbert 10 2 Fan 8 2
Filbert  8 3
Filbert  10 2
Filbert  12 2


 Interlocking Bristle Assortment: Two Displays, Full Range
Rounds 9841 Size  Quantity Flats 9842 Size Quantity Brights 9843 Size Quantity
Round 1 3 Flat 1 3 Bright 1 3
Round 2 3 Flat 2 3 Bright 2 3
Round 3 3 Flat 3 3 Bright 3 3
Round 4 3 Flat 4 3 Bright 4 3
Round 5 3 Flat 5 3 Bright 5 3
Round 6 3 Flat 6 3 Bright 6 3
Round 8 3 Flat 8 3 Bright 8 3
Round 10 2 Flat 10 2 Bright 10 2
Round 12 2 Flat 12 2 Bright 12 2
Round 16 2 Flat 16 2 Bright 16 2
Round 20 1 Flat 20 1 Bright 20 1
Round 24 1 Flat 24 1 Bright 24 1
Filberts 9844 Size Quantity Edberts 9845 Size Quantity Fans 9846